

Cori, Vicolo Macari 1 - 04010 - Italy







Polygonal is a community organisation focused on digital education for social empowerment. We are a group of educators, digital developers, makers, creatives and volunteers who work with different social groups to start education processes in the different domains of digital learning. Main areas of work are about training in basic digital skills, digital active citizenship, app & platform development, career orientation and training of individuals on transversal competencies.

We are placed in Cori, a small town southwards Rome. We run a one-stop service office for young people, adults and any person who want to have specific guidance on jobs, studies, training, and anything which can help with personal development.

We coordinate an online community journal in which we inform citizens about solidarity news, opportunities, new rules etc. Our online training platform hosts thousands people who freely learn different subjects, ranging from digital financial literacy, to open data, social media management, gender mainstreaming and so on. Our main transparency experiment is based on a Telegram channel to inform citizens about the current decisions of the municipality.

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