Adult Education Centre Norden


Uffenstrasse 1, 26506 Norden, Germany


0049 4931 924123



The Adult Education Centre Norden has been active as an adult education centre for 50 years now, functioning as a service centre for education, training, employment promotion, and assistance as well. The focus of its work lies on education in the fields of foreign languages, German as a foreign language, digitalisation, politics, health, personality development, culture and creativity.Another focus are offers to promote voluntary work. Furthermore, it provides extensive programs in the field of vocational training, with particular interest on giving young people a better chance on the job market. It offers also comprehensive counselling services, especially with regard to education, advanced vocational training, social services, nursing, aging and voluntary work.

The Adult Education Centre Norden has approximately 300 employees and works with over 200 self-employed teachers. It is located the northern part of the county of Aurich in Germany´s northwestern region. It is responsible for the municipal educational work for 90,000 inhabitants in the town of Norden and in the surrounding costal area. The Adult Education Centre cooperates closely with partners from politics, civil society and economy.

It is responsible for the municipal educational work for 90,000 inhabitants in the town of Norden and in the surrounding costal area. The Adult Education Centre cooperates closely with partners from politics, civil society and economy.

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